Annual Progress Report

Instructions are here and in Section 3.10.3 of the 2024-25 IPiB Handbook

Contact Kate Ryan, IPiB Graduate Program Manager, at with questions about this form.

Annual Progress Report

"*" indicates required fields

1. Exhibit a broad understanding of general biochemical principles.
2. Appreciate current limitations to knowledge in their field.
3. Formulate new approaches to extend knowledge in their field.
4. Conduct independent research using a variety of approaches.
5. Think critically to address research challenges.
6. Collaborate with other investigators within or outside the thesis lab.
7. Exhibit and foster professional and ethical conduct in their research.
8. Clearly communicate their research to fellow scientists.
9. Explore career development opportunities in industry, government, and academia.
10. Develop teaching and mentoring skills.
11. Engage in learning, practices, and events/activities that contribute to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community of researchers and educators.

Did the student apply for any fellowships in the past year? If so, what was the outcome?
Is the student supported by NIH funds?
Has the student created an IDP?
UW-Madison requires that all graduate students supported by NIH funding create an Individual Development Plan (IDP).

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This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.