Summary of Graduate School Accomplishments Form

Contact Kate Ryan, Graduate Program Coordinator, at with questions about this form.

Summary of Graduate School Accomplishments Form

"*" indicates required fields

Academic Honors and Distinctions*
List awards, NIH training grants, and fellowships (e.g., Sigrid Leirmo, Denton, Vilas Travel; BTP, MBTG; WDGF, NSF). Hit the + on the right to add more awards. One award per row.
Describe your primary graduate school research experience(s) (including internships), providing dates and names of thesis advisor or supervisor.
Provide full references to any of your scientific work that is published or submitted. Hit the + on the right to add more publications. One publication per row.
Research Presentation*
List any local, national, or international meetings at which you presented your research results as a talk or poster. Hit the + on the right to add more publications. One presentation per row.
Other Relevant Experience*
List any teaching (classes and semesters), tutoring experiences, departmental committee participation, or other professional or volunteer experience. Hit the + on the right to add more experiences. One experience per row.
Examples — Postdoctoral position: Start date, title, institution, department, PI, & any funding you received for your training. Faculty position: Start date, title, institution, department. Non-faculty position: Start date, title, company, department.
New address for forwarding
May we contact you in the future as a potential career development resource for IPiB students?*
Max. file size: 24 MB.
Upload your CV if you wish.
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