Professional Development

All IPiB students are required to teach for one semester in their second year, and they have the option to either teach for a second semester in their third year or fulfill an equivalent (approximately 60 hours) approved professional development option. The one-semester teaching requirement and professional development option allow students to gain valuable teaching experience and to receive recognition for their professional development in ways that align with their professional interests.

There are many opportunities available for IPiB students to fulfill a Professional Development (PD) option:

  • Serve as a Graduate Leadership & Development Committee (GLDC) officer. Not all GLDC positions automatically qualify for the Professional Development option; see below for detailed descriptions of GLDC positions approved for Professional Development option. The Education & Career Development Committee (EDEC) is also open to your ideas!
  • Complete an internship in industry, government, or another area that complements your professional development goals. Internships required for trainees on a training grant are approved.
  • Participate in a relevant bootcamp, such as the Morgridge Entrepreneurial Bootcamp, or in workshops.
  • Complete a WARF Technology Transfer Internship.
  • Obtain certification through the Delta Program to enhance your teaching credentials for future employment.
  • Teach a non-Biochemistry course.
  • Lead a seminar section of BIOCHEM 729: Practicum in Undergraduate Teaching.
  • Get involved with Catalysts for Science Policy (CaSP).
  • Help plan Life Sciences Career Day.
  • Take a course(s) outside the IPiB curriculum, such as in the Life Sciences Communication department, the Business School, or the Law School.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What constitutes a PD opportunity?

Professional development (PD) options include, but are not limited to, workshops, additional courses, internships, and engaging in outreach efforts. You may also opt for a combination of options, or to teach a second semester of a laboratory or lecture course, to fulfill this requirement. Serving as a GLDC officer may qualify (see below).

The time commitment of an activity or activities to qualify for the PD option must be equivalent to a minimum of four hours per week for one semester (approximately 15 weeks, total of 60 hours). Your engagement in the activity or activities must include measurable outcomes, such as skills learned and audience reached.

How are PD plans approved?

Professional development (PD) activities must be reviewed and approved by your thesis committee by the end of your second annual progress report meeting (i.e., spring semester of your fourth year of graduate study) and then receive approval from the Education & Career Development Committee (ECDC). Students must describe their proposed professional development activities in this form. Fulfillment of the PD plan, if you select it, is a requirement of your graduation from IPiB.

Can I fulfill my PD plan before my second annual progress report meeting?

Yes, as long as your professional development (PD) plan has been approved by your thesis committee and by the Education & Career Development Committee (ECDC).

What if I don’t have a PD plan by the end of my fourth year?

If no professional development (PD) opportunity is identified and approved by your thesis committee by your second annual progress report meeting, a second semester of the IPiB teaching requirement becomes the default. In this case, you will likely be teaching in your fifth year of graduate study.

Approved GLDC Professional Development Opportunities

GLDC positions approved for the professional development option are below. Time commitments of all positions (approximately 2 hours per week during the academic year) include preparation for and attendance at GLDC meetings (1-2 hours monthly).

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IPiB Retreat Chair

Organize and host the IPiB Retreat. Activities include meeting with department chairs and others to plan the event; select speakers; set up, host, and break down on the day of the event; assess event performance and adjust SOP for the following year.

Note: The Retreat Chair position may not fulfill the 60-hour requirement now that event planning is overseen by the Biochemistry administrative office. Combine the Retreat Chair with another GLDC role, such as Student-Invited Speaker Chair or GLDC Vice Chair, to fulfill the requirement and constitute a well-rounded administrative professional development experience.

Events and Communications Chair

Plan, host, and assess success of IPiB events, including summer welcome picnic, winter reception, awards in research and teaching reception, Tea Time, other social events as needed. Also solicit material for, prepare, and distribute monthly newsletter.

Career and Lunch Symposia Chair

Host an NSF GRFP Q&A panel with current students in the Fall semester; plan and organize career or professional development events throughout the year based on student body preferences; distribute information to the student body regarding upcoming career events; organize and schedule practice oral preliminary exams; pair interested second-year students with more senior students for written prelim feedback; participate in planning of Life Sciences Career Day (once every two years).

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Recruiting Chair

Rally students to become point people to organize recruiting weekends; host recruiting kick-off meeting; be on-call during recruitment weekends; be a resource for point people to help organize and get current student help; meet with IPiB Recruiting Committee.

New Student Orientation Committee and Wellness Chair

New Student Orientation Committee (NSOC) Chair responsibilities include meeting with NSOC before each set of lab rotations begin to assign rotations and final lab matches; review lab rotation choices and matches prior to each meeting to identify conflicts; attend one of the first-year classes with NSOC chairs to address questions about rotations and lab matches. Wellness responsibilities include hosting and planning monthly BADGRS meetings (peer support group for graduate students), hosting outdoor and other wellness events focused on mental health and overall wellness.

Outreach Chair

Organize and implement lesson plans for a variety of age groups; create kits and assemble supplies for interactive lessons; generate signage for advertising outreach activities; meet with school administrators to design a science curriculum; host large group, interactive sessions with middle school students twice per week.