As a graduate student in the Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB), Tina Lynch studied germline stem cells, the cells that ultimately produce sperm and eggs, in roundworms. Lynch, a member of the Kimble Lab, was …
Month: October 2021
IPiB Thesis Defense Oct. 28: Jessica Cardenas
Plants go through different stages of development that are modulated by different types of signals. Some signals come from within the plants themselves, while others, such as environmental stressors, a plant can only respond to. …
Budding Mycologists
Mycology — the scientific name for the study of fungi — has no single home on campus. Instead, fungal researchers are spread across nearly every college and school. Although this organization extends the reach of …
Amy Weeks Named Packard Fellow
Amy Weeks, a University of Wisconsin–Madison professor of biochemistry, has been selected as a Packard Fellow for Science and Engineering. The fellowship is awarded annually to early-career scientists from across the United States and provides …