Pustova’s research in the Audhya Lab focuses on neurodegenerative diseases associated with dysregulated protein secretory pathways.
Thesis Reviews
IPiB Thesis Defense July 20, 2023: Anthony Meza
Meza’s research in the Buller Lab focuses on enzymatic mechanisms and amino acid synthesis.
IPiB Thesis Defense July 28, 2023: Brian Carrick
Carrick’s research in Kimble Lab and Wickens Lab explores interactions among proteins and RNA which regulate stem cells.
IPiB Thesis Defense July 27, 2023: Yu Bao
Bao explores the structure and function of RNA polymerase as a member of the Landick Lab.
IPiB Thesis Defense May 25, 2023: Yunyun Zhu
A member of the Coon Lab, Zhu’s research uses mass spectrometry to enhance methods and technologies used to quantify protein homeostasis.
IPiB Thesis Defense May 22, 2023: Ahlan Sabah Ferdous
Ferdous explores the molecular mechanisms that help to regulate stem cells as a member of the Kimble Lab.
IPiB Thesis Defense May 11, 2023: Nina Jocic Bonde
Nina Bonde, an IPiB graduate student, will be defending her Ph.D. research on May 11. Bonde’s research focuses on the roles and interactions of proteins involved in DNA repair processes. She is a member of both the Keck Lab in the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry and the Cox Lab in the Department of Biochemistry.
IPiB Thesis Defense May 10, 2023: Anthony Meger
Anthony Meger, an IPiB graduate student, will be defending his Ph.D. research on May 10. As a member of the Raman Lab, Meger has worked on protein engineering, with a focus on split-protein systems.
IPiB Thesis Defense May 8, 2023: Thuong Ho
Thuong Ho, an IPiB graduate student, will be defending his Ph.D. research on May 8. Ho, who is a member of the Merrins Lab, has focused his research on identifying the mechanism for insulin secretion …
IPiB Thesis Defense March 21: Alexander Duckworth
Alexander Duckworth joined the Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) with the goal of learning more about how scientists ‘solve biomolecular structures’ — that is, how they figure out what essential components to life, such as …