Learn about the new art installation in the H. F. DeLuca Biochemical Sciences Building, “Connecting Paths,” by artist Chloris Lowe. The piece celebrates the past, present, and future of courtyard among the biochemical sciences buildings.
Year: 2023
Internship Provides Career Clarity and Biotech Opportunities for a Greener Future
Through his internship at LanzaTech, David Rivera-Kohr explored career possibilities to fulfill his research interests and passion for sustainability.
Research in Brief: The What, Why, and How
The timing of flowering can be essential to agricultural practices. Researchers in the Amasino Lab identified a gene that helps to regulate the biochemical pathway leading to flowering in grasses – a distinct, agriculturally important family of plants.
IPiB Thesis Defense December 7, 2023: Katherine Senn
Senn’s research in the Hoskins Lab explored the form and function of a previously unknown component of the spliceosome.
Hoskins Investigates Mutations in Protein Linked to Blood Disorders
Hoskins will work in collaboration with a Stanford professor using new technology to catalog the biochemical function of thousands of mutations.
IPiB Thesis Defense November 29, 2023: Expery Omollo
Omollo’s research in the Landick Lab examined processes essential to transcriptional regulation.
Relieving Stress in Insulin-Producing Cells Protects Against Type 1 Diabetes
New research from the Engin Lab may point to a potential new treatment that could be administered very early in the development of diabetes.
Metabolism Researcher Pursues Hard Questions, Creative Solutions with Special Cell Culture Media
Kim Huggler, who believes science is about creativity, reveals biological processes using an innovative cell culture media.
IPiB Thesis Defense November 6, 2023: John Ahn
Ahn’s research in the Coyle Lab examined breast cancer on the cellular level to explore how some cancers progress more aggressively than others.
Breaking Through the Noise of Cellular Signaling
Professor Scott Coyle will use an NIH grant to tune into cellular signaling and explore relationships among cells.