Discovery, characterization, and evolution of enzymes for biocatalysis and chemical biology
Systems & Synthetic Biology
Wang, Tina
Protein engineering, directed evolution, and protein folding
Fan, Jing
Dynamical metabolic regulation, immunometabolism, metabolic underpinnings of cell function
Cavagnero, Silvia
Protein structure, folding, dynamics and aggregation in the cell; role of ribosome and molecular chaperones
Landick, Robert
RNA polymerase structure/function; regulation of transcript elongation in bacteria and humans
Raman, Srivatsan
Understanding and designing biomolecular systems using high-throughput functional assays
Sussman, Michael R.
Signal transduction in eukaryotes, genomic technologies, membrane receptors and ion transporters
Weeks, Amy M.
Spatially-resolved mapping of post-translational modifications; protein engineering; chemoproteomics
Craciun, Gheorghe
Mathematical and computational methods in biology
Coyle, Scott M.
Understanding and engineering microscale molecular and cellular machines