IPiB Student-Faculty Liaison Committee Announces New Officers at Ice Cream Social

The Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) Student-Faculty Liaison Committee announced its officers for 2016-17 at their ice cream social on Wednesday, June 8. The committee serves as a connection between students and faculty to foster input and collaboration.

“SFLC is really interested in fulfilling the needs of graduate students in IPiB,” says Kim Haupt, the outgoing chair and now a 2016-17 career chair. “The strength of the IPiB graduate program is reflected in the existence of the SFLC organization and the support we get from the faculty. We are all working together to make IPiB better.”

The committee invites everyone to be on the lookout for their events, such as the Tea Times that occur once every two weeks. Students, faculty, and staff are all invited to attend. The committee is also involved in social events and professional development, such as a retreat, winter reception, mock interviews, recruiting, and student lunch symposia, among others. The group encourages all graduate students to get involved.

IPiB is the merged graduate program of the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry (BMC). The students elected to officer positions are:

  • Chair: Tyler Stanage – Cox Lab/Biochem
  • Vice Chair: Markus Nevil – Harrison Lab/BMC
  • Treasurer: Dana Dahhan – Bednarek Lab/Biochem
  • Career Chairs: Megan Dowdle – Sheets Lab/BMC, Sam Condon – Senes Lab/Biochem, Jessica Cardenas – Bednarek Lab/Biochem, and Kim Haupt – Kimble Lab/Biochem
  • Social Chairs: Katarzyna Dubiel – Keck Lab/BMC, Nimu Sidhu – Raines Lab/Biochem
  • Recruiting Chairs: Stephanie Maciuba – Martin Lab/Biochem, Alex Justen – Kiessling Lab/Biochem
  • New Student Orientation Committee Representative: Samantha Anderson – Senes Lab/Biochem
  • Lunch Symposia Coordinator: Ana Lindahl – Denu Lab/BMC
  • Student Invited Speaker Coordinator: Dominik Hoelper – Lewis Lab/BMC
  • Outreach/Service Chairs: Christine Isabella – Kiessling Lab/Biochem, Dylan Plaskon – Raman Lab/Biochem, Karl Wetterhorn – Rayment Lab/Biochem
  • IPiB and Undergrad Curriculum Committees Representative: Brian Carrick – Kimble Lab/Biochem